THE FCE BLOG by Claudia Ceraso

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cambridge First-The Speaking Test Updated for 2015

The Cambridge English TV Channel in YouTube keeps updating samples of FCE Speaking tests. As you know, the oral test will undergo a few changes. Pay attention to Part 3 of the test where the examiner asks the candidates to do something together. So far, that part has been of 3 minutes with visual prompts. As from 2015, it will take 2 minutes of discussion of written prompts and then the interlocutor will ask you to evaluate the options together for another minute.

In my opinion, this is much clearer for students, since time goes by faster or much slower when you are under the stress of a test and some students tend to hurry to conclusions way before the three minutes have expired.

So here it is. These are Florine and María

You can also read a pdf document that Cambridge issues to explain the candidates' performance part by part.

So, are you ready to sit for it?

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